Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

""" Download module for datasets. """

from dasf.datasets.base import Dataset
from dasf.utils.funcs import download_file, download_file_from_gdrive

[docs] class DownloadWget(Dataset): """Dataset downloadable via wget. Parameters ---------- url : str The url to fetch the resource. filename : str Name of the file. root : str Directory to store the downloaded file. download : bool If it the dataset must be downloaded (the default is True). """ def __init__(self, url: str, filename: str, root: str, download: bool = True): """ Constructor of the object DownloadWget. """ self.__url = url self.__filename = filename # Set download as false because this class overrides download() Dataset.__init__(self, name="Download Wget", download=download, root=root)
[docs] def download(self): """ Download the dataset. """ if not self._download or self.__url is None: return if hasattr(self, "download") and self._download is True: self._root_file = download_file( self.__url, self.__filename, self._root ) if hasattr(self, "_download_check") and callable(self._download_check): self._download_check()
[docs] class DownloadGDrive(Dataset): """Dataset downloadable via Google Drive. Parameters ---------- google_file_id : str Id of the google drive resource. filename : str Name of the file. root : str Directory to store the downloaded file. download : bool If it the dataset must be downloaded (the default is True). """ def __init__(self, google_file_id: str, filename: str, root: str, download: bool = True): """ Constructor of the object DownloadGDrive. """ self.__google_file_id = google_file_id self.__filename = filename # Set download as false because this class overrides download() Dataset.__init__( self, name="Download Google Drive", download=download, root=root )
[docs] def download(self): """ Download the dataset. """ if not self._download or self.__google_file_id is None: return if hasattr(self, "download") and self._download is True: self._root_file = download_file_from_gdrive( self.__google_file_id, self.__filename, self._root ) if hasattr(self, "_download_check") and callable(self._download_check): self._download_check()