Source code for dasf.debug.debug

#!/usr/bin/env python3

""" Debug DASF module. """

from IPython.core.display import HTML as iHTML
from IPython.core.display import display as idisplay

from dasf.utils.funcs import is_notebook
from dasf.utils.types import is_dask_array, is_dask_dataframe

[docs] class Debug: """Print information about an operator (shape, datatype, etc.), and return the self object reference. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the operator. **kwargs : type Additional keyworkded arguments to `Operator`. """
[docs] def display(self, X): """Display useful information of the input data. Parameters ---------- X : Any Any data that can be represented as a dataset. Returns ------- data : Any Same input data without any transformation. """ if (is_dask_array(X) or is_dask_dataframe(X)) and is_notebook(): idisplay(iHTML(X._repr_html_())) else: if hasattr(X, "shape"): print("Datashape is:", X.shape) print("Datatype is:", type(X)) print("Data content is:", X) return X
[docs] class VisualizeDaskData: """Visualize DASK data from an operator. Parameters ---------- filename : str A path to save the DASK visualization (the default is None). **kwargs : type Additional keyworkded arguments to `Operator`. """ def __init__(self, filename: str = None): """ Generic constructor of the VisualizeDaskData object. """ self.filename = filename
[docs] def display(self, X): """Display Dask task graph using visualize method. Parameters ---------- X : Any Any data that can be represented as a dataset. Returns ------- data : Any Same input data without any transformation. """ if not is_dask_array(X) and not is_dask_dataframe(X): print("WARNING: This is not a Dask element.") return X if self.filename is not None: X.visualize(self.filename) else: X.visualize() return X