Source code for dasf.feature_extraction.transform

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

    import cupy as cp
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover

from dasf.transforms.base import Transform
from dasf.utils.types import is_dataframe

[docs] class ConcatenateToArray(Transform): """Concatenate data from different Arrays into a single array. Parameters ---------- flatten : bool If the arrays must be flatten prior concatenating. If `False`, the arrays must share the shape of last dimansions in order to be concatenated (the default is False). """ def __init__(self, flatten: bool = False): self.flatten = flatten def __transform_generic(self, xp, **kwargs): datas = None for key in kwargs: if datas is None: if self.flatten: flat = kwargs[key].flatten() datas = xp.asarray([flat]) else: data = xp.asarray(kwargs[key]) datas = xp.expand_dim(data, axis=len(data.shape)) else: if self.flatten: flat = kwargs[key].flatten() datas = xp.append(datas, xp.asarray([flat]), axis=0) else: data = xp.asarray(kwargs[key]) datas = xp.append(datas, data, axis=len(data.shape)) if self.flatten: data = xp.transpose(datas) else: data = datas return data # return data.rechunk({1: data.shape[1]})
[docs] def _transform_cpu(self, **kwargs): return self.__transform_generic(np, **kwargs)
[docs] def _transform_gpu(self, **kwargs): return self.__transform_generic(cp, **kwargs)
[docs] class SampleDataframe: """Return a subset with random samples of the original dataset. Parameters ---------- percent : float Percentage of the samples to get from the dataset. """ def __init__(self, percent: float): self.__percent = float(percent / 100.0)
[docs] def run(self, X): """Returns a subset with random samples from the dataset `X`. Parameters ---------- X : Any The dataset. Returns ------- Any The sampled subset. """ return X.sample(n=int(len(X) * self.__percent))
[docs] class GetSubeCubeArray: """Get a subcube with x% of samples from the original one. Parameters ---------- percent : float Percentage of the samples to get from the cube. """ def __init__(self, percent: float): self.__percent = float(percent / 100.0) assert ( self.__percent > 0 and self.__percent <= 1.0 ), "Percent must be in [0,1] range."
[docs] def transform(self, X): i_num, x_num, t_num = X.shape i_start_idx = int((i_num - (i_num * self.__percent)) / 2) i_end_idx = int(i_start_idx + (self.__percent * i_num)) x_start_idx = int((x_num - (x_num * self.__percent)) / 2) x_end_idx = int(x_start_idx + (self.__percent * x_num)) t_start_idx = int((t_num - (t_num * self.__percent)) / 2) t_end_idx = int(t_start_idx + (self.__percent * t_num)) return X[i_start_idx:i_end_idx, x_start_idx:x_end_idx, t_start_idx:t_end_idx]
[docs] class GetSubDataframe: """Get the first x% samples from the dataset. Parameters ---------- percent : float Percentage of the samples to get from the dataframe. """ def __init__(self, percent: float): self.__percent = float(percent / 100.0)
[docs] def transform(self, X): new_size = int(len(X) * self.__percent) return X.iloc[0:new_size]