Source code for dasf.transforms.memory

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from dasf.transforms.base import Transform
from dasf.utils.types import is_dask_array, is_dask_dataframe

[docs] class PersistDaskData(Transform): """Allow persisting a dask array to memory and return a copy of the object. It will gather the data blocks from all workers and resembles locally. """ def __lazy_transform_generic(self, X): if is_dask_array(X) or is_dask_dataframe(X): new_data = X.persist() else: new_data = X return new_data
[docs] def _lazy_transform_cpu(self, X): return self.__lazy_transform_generic(X)
[docs] def _lazy_transform_gpu(self, X): return self.__lazy_transform_generic(X)
[docs] def _transform_cpu(self, X): # Bypass because the data is local return X
[docs] def _transform_gpu(self, X): # Bypass because the data is local return X
[docs] class ComputeDaskData(Transform): """Allow persisting a dask array to memory. It will gather the data blocks from all workers and resembles locally. """ def __lazy_transform_generic(self, X): if is_dask_array(X) or is_dask_dataframe(X): new_data = X.compute() else: new_data = X return new_data
[docs] def _lazy_transform_cpu(self, X): return self.__lazy_transform_generic(X)
[docs] def _lazy_transform_gpu(self, X): return self.__lazy_transform_generic(X)
[docs] def _transform_cpu(self, X): # Bypass because the data is local return X
[docs] def _transform_gpu(self, X): # Bypass because the data is local return X