Source code for dasf.transforms.operations

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

    import cupy as cp
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover

from import BaseLoader
from dasf.transforms.base import Fit, ReductionTransform, Transform
from dasf.utils.types import is_array, is_dataframe

[docs] class Reshape(Fit): """Get a slice of a cube. An inline slice is a section over the x-axis. Parameters ---------- iline_index : int The index of the inline to get. """ def __init__(self, shape: tuple = None): self.shape = shape
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): if self.shape: cube_shape = self.shape elif y is not None and hasattr(y, "shape"): cube_shape = y.shape else: raise Exception("Missing shape input.") if is_array(X): slice_array = X elif is_dataframe(X): slice_array = X.values else: raise ValueError("X is not a known datatype.") return slice_array.reshape(cube_shape)
[docs] class SliceArray(Transform): def __init__(self, output_size): self.x = list(output_size)
[docs] def transform(self, X): if len(self.x) == 1: return X[0 : self.x[0]] elif len(self.x) == 2: return X[0 : self.x[0], 0 : self.x[1]] elif len(self.x) == 3: return X[0 : self.x[0], 0 : self.x[1], 0 : self.x[2]] else: raise Exception("The dimmension is not known")
[docs] class SliceArrayByPercent(Transform): def __init__(self, x=100.0, y=100.0, z=100.0): self.x = float(x / 100.0) self.y = float(y / 100.0) self.z = float(z / 100.0)
[docs] def transform(self, X): if self.x > 1 or self.y > 1 or self.z > 1: raise Exception("Percentages cannot be higher than 100% (1.0)") if self.x <= 0 or self.y <= 0 or self.z <= 0: raise Exception("Percentages cannot be negative or 0") if X.ndim == 1: return X[0 : int(self.x * X.shape[0])] elif X.ndim == 2: return X[0 : int(self.x * X.shape[0]), 0 : int(self.y * X.shape[1])] elif X.ndim == 3: return X[ 0 : int(self.x * X.shape[0]), 0 : int(self.y * X.shape[1]), 0 : int(self.z * X.shape[2]), ] else: raise Exception("The dimmension is not known")
[docs] class SliceArrayByPercentile(Transform): def __init__(self, percentile): self.p = percentile
[docs] def _internal_chunk_array_positive(self, block, axis=None, keepdims=False, xp=np): block[block < 0] = 0 block[block != 0] return xp.array([xp.percentile(block.flatten(), self.p)])
[docs] def _internal_aggregate_array_positive(self, block, axis=None, keepdims=False, xp=np): block = xp.array(block) return xp.array([xp.max(block)])
[docs] def _internal_chunk_array_negative(self, block, axis=None, keepdims=False, xp=np): block *= -1 block[block < 0] = 0 block[block != 0] return xp.array([-xp.percentile(block.flatten(), self.p)])
[docs] def _internal_aggregate_array_negative(self, block, axis=None, keepdims=False, xp=np): block = xp.array(block) return xp.array([xp.min(block)])
[docs] def _lazy_transform_cpu(self, X): positive = ReductionTransform(func_chunk=self._internal_chunk_array_positive, func_aggregate=self._internal_aggregate_array_positive, output_size=[0]) negative = ReductionTransform(func_chunk=self._internal_chunk_array_negative, func_aggregate=self._internal_aggregate_array_negative, output_size=[0]) p = positive._lazy_transform_cpu(X, concatenate=False) n = negative._lazy_transform_cpu(X, concatenate=False) # Unfortunately, we need to compute first. pos_cutoff = p.compute()[0] neg_cutoff = n.compute()[0] X[X > pos_cutoff] = pos_cutoff X[X < neg_cutoff] = neg_cutoff return X
[docs] def _lazy_transform_gpu(self, X): positive = ReductionTransform(func_chunk=self._internal_aggregate_array_positive, func_aggregate=self._internal_aggregate_array_positive, output_size=[0]) negative = ReductionTransform(func_chunk=self._internal_aggregate_array_negative, func_aggregate=self._internal_aggregate_array_negative, output_size=[0]) p = positive._lazy_transform_gpu(X, concatenate=False) n = negative._lazy_transform_gpu(X, concatenate=False) # Unfortunately, we need to compute first. pos_cutoff = p.compute()[0] neg_cutoff = n.compute()[0] X[X > pos_cutoff] = pos_cutoff X[X < neg_cutoff] = neg_cutoff return X
[docs] def _transform_cpu(self, X): pos_cutoff = self._internal_chunk_array_positive(X, xp=np) neg_cutoff = self._internal_chunk_array_negative(X, xp=np) X[X > pos_cutoff] = pos_cutoff X[X < neg_cutoff] = neg_cutoff return X
[docs] def _transform_gpu(self, X): pos_cutoff = self._internal_chunk_array_positive(X, xp=cp) neg_cutoff = self._internal_chunk_array_negative(X, xp=cp) X[X > pos_cutoff] = pos_cutoff X[X < neg_cutoff] = neg_cutoff return X
[docs] class ApplyPatchesBase(Transform): """ Base Class for ApplyPatches Functionalities """ def __init__(self, function, weight_function, input_size, overlap, offsets): """ function: function to be applied to each patch, can be eiter a Python Function or a ModelLoader weight_function: weight attribution function, must receive a shape and produce a NDArray with the respective weights for each array position input_size: size of input to the function to be applied, overlap: dictionary containing overlapping/padding configurations to use with np.pad or dask.overlap.overlap. Its important that for the base patch set the whole "chunk core" is covered by the patches. offsets: list of offsets for overlapping patches extraction """ self._function = function self._weight_function = weight_function self._input_size = input_size self._offsets = offsets if offsets is not None else [] overlap = overlap if overlap is not None else {} self._overlap_config = { "padding": overlap.get("padding", tuple(len(input_size) * [0])), "boundary": overlap.get("boundary", 0), }
[docs] def _apply_patches(self, patch_set): """ Applies function to each patch in a patch set """ if callable(self._function): return np.array(list(map(self._function, patch_set))) if isinstance(self._function, BaseLoader): return self._function.predict(patch_set) raise NotImplementedError("Requested Apply Method not supported")
[docs] def _reconstruct_patches(self, patches, index, weights, inner_dim=None): """ Rearranges patches to reconstruct area of interest from patches and weights """ reconstruct_shape = np.array(self._input_size) * np.array(index) if weights: weight = np.zeros(reconstruct_shape) base_weight = ( self._weight_function(self._input_size) if self._weight_function else np.ones(self._input_size) ) else: weight = None if inner_dim is not None: reconstruct_shape = np.append(reconstruct_shape, inner_dim) reconstruct = np.zeros(reconstruct_shape) for patch_index, patch in zip(np.ndindex(index), patches): sl = [ slice(idx * patch_len, (idx + 1) * patch_len, None) for idx, patch_len in zip(patch_index, self._input_size) ] if weights: weight[tuple(sl)] = base_weight if inner_dim is not None: sl.append(slice(None, None, None)) reconstruct[tuple(sl)] = patch return reconstruct, weight
[docs] def _adjust_patches(self, arrays, ref_shape, offset, pad_value=0): """ Pads reconstructed_patches with 0s to have same shape as the reference shape from the base patch set """ pad_width = [] sl = [] ref_shape = list(ref_shape) arr_shape = list(arrays[0].shape) if len(offset) < len(ref_shape): ref_shape = ref_shape[:-1] arr_shape = arr_shape[:-1] for idx, lenght, ref in zip(offset, arr_shape, ref_shape): if idx > 0: sl.append(slice(0, min(lenght, ref), None)) pad_width.append((idx, max(ref - lenght - idx, 0))) else: sl.append(slice(np.abs(idx), min(lenght, ref - idx), None)) pad_width.append((0, max(ref - lenght - idx, 0))) adjusted = [ np.pad( arr[tuple([*sl, slice(None, None, None)])], pad_width=[*pad_width, (0, 0)], mode="constant", constant_values=pad_value, ) if len(offset) < len(arr.shape) else np.pad( arr[tuple(sl)], pad_width=pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=pad_value, ) for arr in arrays ] return adjusted
[docs] def _combine_patches(self, results, offsets, indexes): """ How results are combined is dependent on what is being combined. ApplyPatchesWeightedAvg uses Weighted Average ApplyPatchesVoting uses Voting (hard or soft) """ raise NotImplementedError("Combine patches method must be implemented")
[docs] def _extract_patches(self, data, patch_shape): """ Patch extraction method. It will be called once for the base patch set and also for the requested offsets (overlapping patch sets) """ indexes = tuple(np.array(data.shape) // np.array(patch_shape)) patches = [] for patch_index in np.ndindex(indexes): sl = [ slice(idx * patch_len, (idx + 1) * patch_len, None) for idx, patch_len in zip(patch_index, patch_shape) ] patches.append(data[tuple(sl)]) return np.asarray(patches), indexes
[docs] def _operation(self, chunk): """ Operation to be performed on each chunk """ offsets = list(self._offsets) base = self._overlap_config["padding"] offsets.insert(0, tuple([0] * len(base))) slices = [ tuple([slice(i + base, None) for i, base in zip(offset, base)]) for offset in offsets ] results = [] indexes = [] for sl in slices: patch_set, patch_idx = self._extract_patches(chunk[sl], self._input_size) results.append(self._apply_patches(patch_set)) indexes.append(patch_idx) output_slice = tuple( [slice(0, lenght - 2 * pad) for lenght, pad in zip(chunk.shape, base)] ) return self._combine_patches(results, offsets, indexes)[output_slice]
[docs] def _transform(self, X): if isinstance(self._overlap_config["boundary"], int): X_overlap = np.pad( X, pad_width=[(pad, pad) for pad in self._overlap_config["padding"]], mode="constant", constant_values=self._overlap_config["boundary"], ) else: X_overlap = np.pad( X, pad_width=[(pad, pad) for pad in self._overlap_config["padding"]], mode=self._overlap_config["boundary"], ) return self._operation(X_overlap)
[docs] def _lazy_transform(self, X): X_overlap = da.overlap.overlap( X, depth=self._overlap_config["padding"], boundary=self._overlap_config["boundary"], ) new_chunks = [] for chunk_set, padding in zip(X_overlap.chunks, self._overlap_config["padding"]): new_chunks.append(tuple(np.array(chunk_set) - 2*padding)) new_chunks = tuple(new_chunks) X = X_overlap.map_blocks( self._operation, dtype=X_overlap.dtype, chunks=new_chunks ) X = X.rechunk() return X
[docs] def _lazy_transform_cpu(self, X, **kwargs): return self._lazy_transform(X)
[docs] def _lazy_transform_gpu(self, X, **kwargs): X = X.map_blocks(cp.asnumpy, dtype=X.dtype, meta=np.array((), dtype=X.dtype)) return self._lazy_transform(X).map_blocks( cp.asarray, dtype=X.dtype, meta=cp.array((), dtype=X.dtype) )
[docs] def _transform_cpu(self, X, **kwargs): return self._transform(X)
[docs] def _transform_gpu(self, X, **kwargs): X = cp.asnumpy(X) return cp.asarray(self._transform(X))
[docs] class ApplyPatchesWeightedAvg(ApplyPatchesBase): """ ApplyPatches with Weighted Average combination function. """
[docs] def _combine_patches(self, results, offsets, indexes): reconstructed = [] weights = [] for patches, offset, shape in zip(results, offsets, indexes): reconstruct, weight = self._reconstruct_patches( patches, shape, weights=True ) if len(reconstructed) > 0: adjusted = self._adjust_patches( [reconstruct, weight], reconstructed[0].shape, offset ) reconstruct = adjusted[0] weight = adjusted[1] reconstructed.append(reconstruct) weights.append(weight) reconstructed = np.stack(reconstructed, axis=0) weights = np.stack(weights, axis=0) return np.sum(reconstructed * weights, axis=0) / np.sum(weights, axis=0)
[docs] class ApplyPatchesVoting(ApplyPatchesBase): """ ApplyPatches with Voting combination function. """ def __init__( self, function, weight_function, input_size, overlap, offsets, voting, num_classes, ): """ function: function to be applied to each patch, can be eiter a Python Function or a ModelLoader weight_function: weight attribution function, must receive a shape and produce a NDArray with the respective weights for each array position input_size: size of input to the function to be applied, overlap: dictionary containing overlapping/padding configurations to use with np.pad or dask.overlap.overlap. Its important that for the base patch set the whole "chunk core" is covered by the patches. offsets: list of offsets for overlapping patches extraction voting: voting method. "hard" or "soft" num_classes: number of classes possible """ super().__init__(function, weight_function, input_size, overlap, offsets) self._voting = voting # Types: Hard Voting, Soft Voting self._num_classes = num_classes
[docs] def _combine_patches(self, results, offsets, indexes): if self._voting == "hard": result = self._hard_voting(results, offsets, indexes) elif self._voting == "soft": result = self._soft_voting(results, offsets, indexes) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Voting Type. Should be either soft or hard.") return result
[docs] def _hard_voting(self, results, offsets, indexes): """ Hard voting combination function """ reconstructed = [] for patches, offset, shape in zip(results, offsets, indexes): reconstruct, _ = self._reconstruct_patches( patches, shape, weights=False, inner_dim=self._num_classes ) reconstruct = np.argmax(reconstruct, axis=-1).astype(np.float32) if len(reconstructed) > 0: adjusted = self._adjust_patches( [reconstruct], reconstructed[0].shape, offset, pad_value=np.nan ) reconstruct = adjusted[0] reconstructed.append(reconstruct) reconstructed = np.stack(reconstructed, axis=0) ret = stats.mode(reconstructed, axis=0, nan_policy="omit", keepdims=False)[0] return ret
[docs] def _soft_voting(self, results, offsets, indexes): """ Soft voting combination function """ reconstructed = [] for patches, offset, shape in zip(results, offsets, indexes): reconstruct, _ = self._reconstruct_patches( patches, shape, weights=False, inner_dim=self._num_classes ) if len(reconstructed) > 0: adjusted = self._adjust_patches( [reconstruct], reconstructed[0].shape, offset ) reconstruct = adjusted[0] reconstructed.append(reconstruct) reconstructed = np.stack(reconstructed, axis=0) return np.argmax(np.sum(reconstructed, axis=0), axis=-1)