Source code for dasf.utils.labels

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from threading import Lock

from dask.base import is_dask_collection
from dask.core import get_dependencies, ishashable, istask
from import graphviz_to_file, to_graphviz

inside_with = Lock()

g_hash_attrs = dict()
g_func_attrs = dict()
g_data_attrs = dict()

[docs] class DaskLabel(object): def __init__(self, start, stop, label=None, color=None): self.__label = label self.__color = color self.__start = start self.__stop = stop self.__hash_attrs = g_hash_attrs self.__func_attrs = g_func_attrs self.__data_attrs = g_data_attrs
[docs] def start(self, start): self.__enter(start)
[docs] def stop(self, stop): self.__exit(stop, None, None, None)
def __name(self, x): try: return str(hash(x)) except TypeError: return str(hash(str(x))) def __add_item(self, key, tag, label=None, color=None, atype="data"): if not key in self.__data_attrs: self.__hash_attrs[key] = dict() # We use comment as a generic field for tag self.__hash_attrs[key]["comment"] = tag self.__hash_attrs[key]["xlabel"] = label self.__hash_attrs[key]["color"] = color self.__hash_attrs[key]["type"] = atype def __add_func(self, key, tag, label, color): if not key in self.__func_attrs: self.__func_attrs[key] = dict() # We use comment as a generic field for tag self.__func_attrs[key]["comment"] = tag if label: self.__func_attrs[key]["xlabel"] = label if color: self.__func_attrs[key]["color"] = color self.__func_attrs[key]["style"] = "filled" def __add_data(self, key, tag, label, color): if not key in self.__data_attrs: self.__data_attrs[key] = dict() # We use comment as a generic field for tag self.__data_attrs[key]["comment"] = tag if label: self.__data_attrs[key]["xlabel"] = label if color: self.__data_attrs[key]["color"] = color self.__data_attrs[key]["style"] = "filled" def __generate_hashtable(self, data, delete_dup=False): if not is_dask_collection(data): raise Exception("This is not a Dask data: this is %s." % str(type(data))) else: dsk = data.dask remove = set() for k, v in dsk.items(): k_name = self.__name(k) if istask(v): func_name = self.__name((k, "function")) if delete_dup and func_name in self.__hash_attrs: del self.__hash_attrs[func_name] remove.add(func_name) elif func_name not in remove: self.__add_item( func_name, k, self.__label, self.__color, atype="func" ) for dep in get_dependencies(dsk, k): dep_name = self.__name(dep) if delete_dup and dep_name in self.__hash_attrs: del self.__hash_attrs[dep_name] remove.add(dep_name) elif dep_name not in remove: self.__add_item(dep_name, dep, self.__label, self.__color) def __enter(self, dsk): global inside_with inside_with.acquire() self.__generate_hashtable(dsk) return self
[docs] def __enter__(self): dsk = eval(self.__start) return self.__enter(dsk)
def __exit(self, dsk, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): global inside_with, g_hash_attrs, g_func_attrs, g_data_attrs self.__generate_hashtable(dsk, delete_dup=True) for k in self.__hash_attrs: if self.__hash_attrs[k]["type"] == "data": self.__add_data( self.__hash_attrs[k]["comment"], k, self.__hash_attrs[k]["xlabel"], self.__hash_attrs[k]["color"], ) elif self.__hash_attrs[k]["type"] == "func": self.__add_func( self.__hash_attrs[k]["comment"], k, self.__hash_attrs[k]["xlabel"], self.__hash_attrs[k]["color"], ) g_hash_attrs = {**g_hash_attrs, **self.__hash_attrs} g_func_attrs = {**g_func_attrs, **self.__func_attrs} g_data_attrs = {**g_data_attrs, **self.__data_attrs} inside_with.release() return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): dsk = eval(self.__stop) return self.__exit(dsk, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] def get_attributes(): global inside_with, g_func_attrs, g_data_attrs if inside_with.locked(): print("WARNING: it cannot reflect all attribute changes.") return {"function_attributes": g_func_attrs, "data_attributes": g_data_attrs}